School Application

Islamia College is a Muslim School for all children but not in essence a school for Muslim children. By virtue of the aforementioned the school will seek to grant admission to students who are prepared to subscribe to the tenets of the Islamic faith in an equitable manner.

The disposition, demeanour, behaviour, values and attitudes of the student should be concomitant with the ethos of the institution. Being an independent institution of learning that sustains itself on financial contributions in the form of tuition fees, the school shall admit students on the criteria provided in the Policy Statement.

Policy Statement

  • No students shall be exempted from admission on the basis of race, colour, creed or gender
  • No student shall be refused admission where the policy contravenes the Schools Act, Bill of Rights or the Constitutional rights of such students
  • No student shall be refused admission on the grounds of being educationally or scholastically challenged as long as the School has the necessary expertise and infrastructure
  • A student shall not be deemed unfit for acceptance if he/she has a physical impairment or disability as long as the School has the necessary expertise or infrastructure
  • There will be no geographical boundaries for admission and the exercise of choice by the parent will prevail
  • Prospective students who have siblings at the School will be given preference provided that sound academic and behavioural patterns exist
  • The School having independent status, will be at liberty to consider the financial viability and compliance of the prospective student
  • The School principals are within their right to request a cumulative academic or behavioural report from any school attended previously by the applicant
  • The School may delay its decision for acceptance if the applicant has not complied with the timeous submission of his/her application. Such a candidate will be placed on a waiting list
  • In terms of the SA Schools Act the School may decline a student admission if he/she is deemed to be the cause of continuous disruption of the learning process
  • Foreign students will be required to subscribe to the language of learning and teaching policy of the School. English is the primary medium of instruction.

Admission Requirements

Pre-School Application for admission to Islamia Primary is open to all with no discrimination on the basis of race, gender, culture or faith.

Grade O Admissions The child must turn 5 within the current year of enrolment.

Grade R Admissions The child of age 5 turning 6 in the year of admission to school will be given preference for placement in our grade R class. A parent wanting to enrol a child of a younger age into the grade R programme may do so if there is an available place. This placement does not ensure enrolment into the Grade 1 class the following year since preference will be given to students turning 7 in their grade 1 year.

Primary School Application for admission to Islamia Primary is open to all with no discrimination on the basis of race, gender, culture or faith.

Grade 1 Admission The child of age 6 turning 7 in the year of admission to school, is the compulsory school going age according to WCED guidelines. These students will be given preference in placement at our school.

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